2015 October Car Accident Awareness Month

Talking About You With ESTRA show

Summary: October is Car Accident Awareness Month.  This is the second year of sharing Insurance Policyholder Rights. Most people are too embarrassed to speak out when dealing with Auto Insurer's mistreatment or unfairness.  Come learn about Auto Insurance Companies and your Insured Civil Rights, Employers who are also Employees Insurance Companies, Short-Term and Long-Term Disability Insurance most people don't expect to use, and what you need to know about Social Security Disability process. You are the most important person in this equation.  Supposedly, insurance contracts are created for your protection.  However, have they become major contracts of let the buyer beware?  Join me, ESTRA for a month long discussion on what you need to know before having to file an insurance claim and how to protect yourself from bad faith insurance carriers. Get FREE copy of book Car Accident by ESTRA & 2015 Car Accident Weekly Planner during October Car Accident Awareness Month. Pay for only shipping and handling!  Code Word to include in email is:  Policyholder.   Click Email link during Talking About You with ESTRA Radio Show now! Its on left hand side of screen.