What Value Does Advertising Bring To Your Music?

Hip Hop National Radio show

Summary: Live Tonight from 8pm -10pm Est Call: 213.559.2995 Tonight's Topic: The Song Is Ready To Release,  How Will You Promote and Market it? When face with the question "How will you promote and market your single once it is hot? A good place to start is to ask yourself who, what, when, where, and why? Tonight we will discuss the 5 P's and 5 W's of Marketing! Call in and voice your thoughts and make your voice heard in the music community! We challenge you to test the market, Let's see if you can get it popping! Free Test Promo for a limited time. Test it on the show GET your family, friends, fans involve ask them to call in and request it and get some free airplay to a base of over 1.7million Listeners who has locked into the show! Show link: UPLOAD your Mp3 at www.hiphopnational.com in the drop down just click on Upload Mp3 Select free airplay enter promo code: (TEST) To listen or participate call: 213.559.2995 Show Date: 10/06/2015