Brian Clegg, "How Many Moons Does the Earth Have?: The Ultimate Science Quiz Book"

New Books Network show

Summary: Brian CleggView on AmazonBrian Clegg, who is arguably the most prolific science writer since Isaac Asimov, and almost certainly the most prolific British one, has written a delightfully tantalizing book entitled How Many Moons Does the Earth Have? The Ultimate Science Quiz Book (Icon Books, 2015). It's a delectable collection of science quiz questions – and although it includes classics such as "Why Is the Sky Blue?", many will seriously challenge even the most knowledgeable.  You may finish the quiz a lot more humble about your scientific knowledge (as did your humbled correspondent), but that is more than compensated by how much you'll learn about some of the more intriguing and sometimes lesser-known aspects of science — and how much you'll enjoy it.  And isn't that why you want to read about science in the first place?