#128 – Heavy Seas Great’er Pumpkin and Ryan Adams (Taylor Swift cover)

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/heavy-seas-greater-pumpkin-500.jpg"></a> Just in time for pumpkin beers to become a distant figment of Summer ... we're coming at you with a pumpkin beer. This week, Russ is forced to drink <a href="http://www.hsbeer.com/brews/brew/greaterpumpkin" target="_blank">Heavy Seas Great'er Pumpkin Ale</a>, which is a big 10% ale aged in bourbon barrels. Also, several weeks after it was a relevant news slash pop culture item, we would like to share our feeling about <a href="http://paxamrecords.com/" target="_blank">Ryan Adams'</a> cover of <a href="http://taylorswift.com/" target="_blank">Taylor Swift's</a> 1989 album. We are very very good at this. <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/RyanAdams1989-1200.jpg"></a>