#134 – Hard Root Beer and Lettuce

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/HRB-collage-650x500.png"></a> **The URL for this episode's audio file has been fixed.** It's a hard root beer war!! No, actually, a few days after we recorded this episode, a <a href="https://twitter.com/bpalfrey10/status/671328629557698560" target="_blank">tweet</a> revealed one of the brewers we discuss in this episode is suing the other brew we discuss in this episode. [If you're into this kind of crap, <a href="https://twitter.com/bpalfrey10" target="_blank">Brendan Palfreyman</a> is a really good handle to follow.] Anyway, we didn't know about the litigation until after recording, hence no mention. So let's talk about soda pop that gets you wasted. Like everyone else, we saw Smalltown Brewery's <a href="http://smalltownbrewery.com/our-beers/" target="_blank">Not Your Father's Root Beer</a> explode onto shelves this Summer. But it wasn't until a recent <a href="http://www.brewbound.com/news/hard-soda-wars-maybe-as-big-players-pounce-on-opportunity" target="_blank">Brewbound article</a> by <a href="https://twitter.com/BrewboundFurn" target="_blank">Chris Furnari</a> about the impending "hard soda wars" that we decided this is a category in need of the patented One Beer One Song half-formed opinions and misinformation. To compare to NYFRB, we chose <a href="https://www.sprecherbrewery.com/hrb.php" target="_blank">Sprecher's Hard Root Beer</a>, which they bill as Not Your Grandaddy's Root Beer. Sooooooo, unlike a lot of these seemingly overreaching craft beer lawsuits lately, this one seems pretty straightforward. I probably would have sued you too, Sprecher. Here are some of the links from the show that talk about some of the common "questions" about Smalltown Brewwery and NYFRB: <a href="http://www.aperfectpint.net/blog.php/2015/07/not-your-fathers-root-beer-my-strange-visit-to-small-town-brewery/" target="_blank">Not Your Father’s Root Beer: My Strange Visit to Small Town Brewery</a> by Michael Agnew <a href="http://www.joesixpack.net/2015/07/02/the-story-behind-not-your-fathers-root-beer/" target="_blank">The story behind Not Your Father’s Root Beer</a> by Joe Sixpack (Don Russell) Jesus, we have to do a song too? Haha, just kidding, WE LOVE SONGS. This song came to me via the list of new releases on Spotify. <a href="http://www.lettucefunk.com/" target="_blank">Lettuce</a> has been around for 20+ years and they have a new album out called <a href="https://soundcloud.com/lettucefunk/sets/lettuce-crush/" target="_blank">Crush</a> [warning: SoundCloud auto-play]. The only thing I'll say about the song is that, yes, I am throwing Russ a major bone here. Also, we rambled A LOT before actually getting to the song, so, whatever, you know you're going to listen anyway. Show notes: - Russ talks about soup. If you're into that sort of thing. <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lettuce-crush-500.jpg"></a>