#135 – 21st Amendment Toaster Pastry and Foo Fighters

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/21st-amendment-toaster-pastry-809.jpg"></a> We harken back to the brewery we reviewed on <a href="http://1beer1song.com/2012/05/08/episode-1-21st-amendment-and-torche/" target="_blank">EPISODE NUMERO UNO</a> (and, um, also <a href="http://1beer1song.com/2015/01/14/104-21st-amendment-said-said-red-fang/" target="_blank">episode 104</a>) to commemorate the first beer to come out of 21st Amendment's <a href="http://21st-amendment.com/san-leandro-brewery-now-open/" target="_blank">new brewery</a> in San Leandro, California. That beer is called <a href="http://21st-amendment.com/beers/toaster-pastry/" target="_blank">Toaster Pastry</a>. We recorded this episode a few weeks after the terrorist attacks in Paris, which Foo Fighters [coincidentally] followed up with the release of a <a href="http://www.saintceciliaep.com/" target="_blank">free EP</a> and a <a href="http://www.nme.com/news/foo-fighters/89890">message to their fans</a> to donate the money they would have spent on the record to help the terror victims in Paris. You know all about the Foo Fighters, so I'm not going to waste any more words on them. Nice hustle. See you next time. <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/foo-fighters-st-cecilia-1035.png"></a>