Episode 138 Two Questions To Answer BEFORE Sending An Email December 16, 2015

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: In this week's episode of The Sales Playbook Podcast, we explore two really critical questions, you need to answer, BEFORE firing off your next prospect email.Answering these two, simple questions, will help you . . .-Add value and purpose to your communication-Keep you on point-Help you change up your communication so you aren't sending the same, tired emailChoose Your Weapon!This Thursday,  December 17th, I’m going to be sharing several ideas, to help make that email you’ve been sending, have a greater degree of IMPACT!Specifically . . .One simple way to find potential clients who are 400% more likely to buy NOW!4 ways to get email addresses WITHOUT spending a dime on email lists.10 different types of emails that I’m personally using to get results for my business. Oh, and I’m also going to send you the templates so you can begin using them immediately!12 subject line mistakes that you need to avoid. Keep making them and you’re hosed!12 subject lines that get your email read.One EPIC mistake, just about every sales rep makes, in the first 3 sentences of an email.2 Psychological techniques that work like a charm!How to dramatically increase your response rateClick HERE  for more details and to reserve your seat NOW, before you procrastinate yourself out of some useful ideas!The $100 early registration discount is about to disappear for our How To Hunt More Effectively online program.Here’s the plan . . .In Session 1, we’re going to explore 10 ideas to help you hunt for business differently. I promise that in this session alone, there will be several ideas that will make you think differently about your hunting practices!In Session 2, we’ll discuss how you can master this thing we call “email”! I have tips that will help you with your subject lines, overall message, how to improve your response rates and a few tactics that will forever change the way you approach emails going forward!In Session 3, I’m  going to show you exactly how I use “snail mail” (and FedEx too) to stand out and get mucho responses in the process! And no, we’re not talking about massive direct mail campaigns here gang. We’re talking about simple, inexpensive things you can do on your own without that pesky marketing department getting involved.In Session 4, we need to have a serious heart to heart on how we can marry social networking into your overall sales efforts. I’m going to show you how to listen for important “clues”, how you can stand out and how you can transition your relationships off your computer screen without the conversation “getting weird”!In Session 5, I’m going to show you how you can use traditional networking to create some pretty powerful relationships. I’ll share some common mistakes (and how you can avoid them) and I’ll even show you how you can jump start conversations and gracefully end the ones that are going nowhere fast!In Session 6 we’re going to cannonball into the money pool you can create by learning how to get more referrals from your existing business. I’ll show you a system I use that can double and triple the amount of referrals you’re getting. We’ll talk about when to ask for referrals and how to condition your clients to keep giving you more in the future!In Session 7 We’re going to talk about how you can use creativity to stand out and capture the attention of your prospects. I’ll share numerous real-life examples of what sales reps are using in the field as well as a technique you can (and really should) use with your top prospects!In Session 8 I’m going to show you how you can work the phone into this entire process and as a bonus, warm up the “cold calls” quite a bit!In Session 9 you’ll learn 2 absolutely lethal techniques called “mixing” and “mapping” and how you align all of the various “touches” into an effective communication plan.To learn more (and to secure your $100 discount) Click HERE.If you’ve been enjoying these free tips, you’re going to LOVE my premium content!Let’s work together to give you the year