"War on Drugs Hero Paula Huff wants to be Chief of Police" on "A Cup of Joe"

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: This Friday night at 8:00 PM EDT on "A Cup Of Joe" war on drugs hero Paula Huff stops by. I first heard about Paula as a defendant fighting a nightmare of a case. Paula was denied a public defender and supporters for her were also not allowed in the courtroom. THSi took action. We traveled to Tuscon and filled the courtroom. A defiant Paula looked back and thanked us before being taken away to serve a prison term for a crime that was not a crime...... Paula has taken this situation and owned it. Her inspiring story  that leads us to her run for public office is riveting and we welcome YOU to join us for a cup of Joe as she tells it.  "I am applying for TPD Chief of Police, even though I'm not qualified. I'm doing it because after I'm not hired for chief of police, I am running for Tucson mayor. I cannot vote, but I can run for office. I am not qualified to be police chief, but I am qualified to be the police chief's boss. Born in Orange County, CA, Paula moved to Tucson, AZ in 1991. Paula earned a bachelor's degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Arizona. Paula worked as a technical recruiter, putting scientists and engineers to work, and also as a law enforcement transcriptionist. Paula was a medical marijuana cardholder authorized to cultivate 12 plants. Despite being diligent about staying within the bounds of the law, as well as following doctor's orders, Paula was raided, held at gunpoint naked on her porch and charged and jailed. After a furious court battle that included Paula's refusal to take a plea bargain, Paula was sentenced to one year in prison. Since being released Paula has been working as a Sales Manager volunteers as an adoption counselor and for the Human Solution International.  A victim of a rogue SWAT Team that robbed her, a prosecutor who ignored her medical marijuana card and a corrupt Judge who refused to allow her proper counsel.