Advanced Audio Blog #32 - Wal-Mart, You’ve Got Competition

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Summary: Learn Chinese with ChineseClass101! Don't forget to stop by for more great Chinese Language Learning Resources! -------Lesson Dialog------- ----Simplified ---- 北京现在有一种新时尚,叫做“练摊”。所谓练摊,就是每天晚上在某个地方摆个小摊卖东西。这种行为,最近在五道口附近形成了史无前例的巨大规模。 由于这一带年轻的学生和外来的留学生比较多,所以摆摊这种事情在这里历来都有。每天傍晚,在地铁站附近总会有那么几十个小摊,卖文具、书籍、衣服、鞋子、饰品、宠物、水果等等。年轻爱美又不怎么有钱的学生和白领们就喜欢没事儿到这儿来淘点儿又便宜又好用的东西。 以前,摆地摊的往往都是一些没有正式职业,并且没有什么审美趣味的家伙。但是,今年很多白领一族开始把练摊当成了自己的一种爱好,所以这些小摊上货物的质量和性价比都大大提高,原来那些小摊竟然都被淘汰掉了,规模也空前大了起来。 每天傍晚,只要不下特别大的雨,从北京语言大学南门到清华大学东门,大概一公里左右的距离,小摊一个接一个,卖的东西也绝对能让你赏心悦目。而且由于距离太长,中间还会夹杂着很多卖夜宵的小摊。这些地方都非常受欢迎,有很多年轻的情侣和亲密的朋友会到这里来吃点什么,再走走转转打发掉无聊的时光。 昨天晚上在健身回家的路上,我看到很多开着私家车出来卖东西的年轻女人,有一辆车里还有一只毛发修剪得十分考究的纯种贵妇狗。看她们的样子,都不像是依靠摆摊生活的人,而且在这里买的东西非常便宜,又十分好用。摊主也都很友善,有的时候,你甚至会被她们提出的超低价格吓一跳,然后立刻有的没的买上一大堆。 所以,只要有时间,没有人会拒绝到这个地方来转一转,而且只要转了一次,就会有第二次、第三次,附近的居民也都已经习惯了每天晚上出来看看。如果你要去的话,一定要做好准备,千万不要被这里的热闹景象吓到哦! ----English---- There's a new trend in Beijing these days called "vending." Every evening, these so-called vendors set out small stands in a certain part of the city. This behavior has recently taken on a historically unprecedented scale in Wudaokou. Because there are a lot of young overseas and domestic students in this part of town, there has always been this sort of activity. Every evening, you'll see several dozen of these vendors in the vicinity of the subway station, selling writing implements, books, clothing, shoes, make-up, pets, fruit, and such. Both poorer students without any cash and white-collar workers like to come here to fish for cheap and useful things. In the past, street vendors were mostly people without formal jobs or any sort of aesthetic appreciation. But now a lot of white-collar workers are turning street vending into their hobbies, so the quality and price-to-quality ratio of the goods have risen a lot. The former small-scale street vendors have been wiped out, while the scale of the business has grown in an unprecedented fashion. Every evening, unless it rains especially hard, these streetside stalls litter the kilometer-long distance from the east gate of Tsinghua University to the south gate of the Beijing Language and Culture University. The things for sale will astonish and delight you. Because the distance involved is so long, in the middle you'll find a couple of small stalls selling refreshments. These are very popular, and to while away their time, many young lovers and close friends will go there to eat and then continue walking. While walking home for exercise last night, I saw a lot of young women who were running stalls out of their own cars. In one of the cars, I saw a certain type of purebred dog which had had its fur trimmed quite attentively. Looking at her, she didn't seem at all to be the type of person who would make a living from selling things on the street. And the things for sale there on the street were really cheap and really useful. The vendors are very friendly, and sometimes you'd even be shocked by the super-low prices that they'd offer and you'd buy a huge pile of stuff right away. This is why, as long as they have time, no one is going to refuse a chance to come visit this place for a while. And if you come once, you'll definitely come back again and again. The local residents have also become accustomed to coming out in the evenings. So if you go out, be sure to be prepared. Whatever you do, don't be startled by how bustling the scene is here. ----Pinyin---- Běijīng xiànzài yǒu yī zhǒng xīn shíshàng, jiàozuò “liàntān”. Suǒwèi liàntān, jiùshì měitiān wǎnshang zài mǒu ge dìfang bǎi ge xiǎotān mài dōngxi. Zhè zhǒng xíngwéi, zuìjìn zài Wǔdàokǒu fùjìn xíngchéng le shǐwúqiánlì de jùdà guīmó. Yóuyú zhè yī dài niánqīng de xuésheng hé wàilái de liúxuéshēng bǐjiào duō, suǒyǐ bǎi tān zhè zhǒng shìqing zài zhèlǐ lìlái dō [...]