Episode 91. Tom and Derrick versus The Summer of Absolute, Mega-Sized, Ginormous, Big Ass Awesomeness, part one - Hale Caesar versus Hit-Girl

Better in the Dark show

Summary: Last year, in the first episode of BITD hosted by Earth-2.net, Tom and Derrick dubbed the summer of 2009 "The Summer of Meh." Well, summer 2010 is as far away from that as possible -- so much so that The Boys Outta Brooklyn have to devote two episodes to cover it all! In the first half, they cover the comic booky flicks Kick-Ass, Iron Man 2, The Expendables, and Machete; announce the winner of our Summer o' Cowboy Fun Contest; answer viewer mail about Matt Helm, Judd Winick and Quantum of Boredo -- I Mean Solace; and have a rollicking discussion about movie adaptation of pulp properties. Plus, a brand new version of the theme song by B Hyphen, which writer thinks Superman is like Brian Azzarello, and news about how you can participate in Episode 100! You don't want Terry Crews to throw a missile at you, so get to clicking!