Personal Development | Lifestyle Design show

Summary: THE WEEK AT A GLANCE On Monday: We will delve into an in-depth understanding of the “Why Me?” attitude; how we developed the attitude to begin with, and how to change it from a “Why Me” attitude to a “Why Not Me?” attitude. Tuesday: Our personal evolution / personal development day we will be talking about tips to stop making excuses. This is vital because the excuses are what is holding us back from reaching our dreams. Wednesday is our deep metaphysical day and we will be discussing serendipity. Serendipity is an amazing thing. It’s when great things happen that you least expect. Thursday is our book study day and we are finishing the book, The Surrender Experiment, by Michael A. Singer. We will be finishing this book up today, and we will tie this into serendipity from yesterday. Friday is our prosperity and abundance day and we will be going over PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) = OPM. Make sure you tune in Friday to find out what OPM is. This is very important and is something that changed my life when I started to understand the power of attitude. Thanks for listening and subscribing to Thank you for helping make the world a better place. We will see you over at