You are Smarter than You Think with Renee Mollan Masters (Explore Your Spirit with Kala Talk Show)

Explore Your Spirit with Kala show

Summary: When, Renee Mollan-Masters was in second grade, her best friend was moved to third grade because the teachers thought this child was much smarter than the rest of the class. And then during their freshman year of college, both had a botany class together which was taught experientially. It wasn’t just a lecture class–you experienced it! And the course’s tests were given in the same way. The outcome: Mollan-Masters received the highest grade in the class and her “smarter” friend received a “C.” What happened was not a matter of intelligence. It was a matter of how the ideas were presented. One way lined up with one of the girl’s brain talents and the other way lined up with the other child’s brain talents. Today Renee Mollan-Masters, MA, teaches people that YOU ARE SMARTER THAN YOU THINK. Her internationally renowned book, teaching program andnew online Journey helps people discover their best way to learn and how to maximize it. Mollan-Masters’ own journey began when she encountered the research done by Harvard’s Dr. Howard Gardner and his book Frames of Mind. He had discovered that brains are different and they need different experiences in order to learn, and he observed that typical schools could not meet everyone’s needs–thus illuminating Mollan-Masters’ own experience. She was so excited, that she began lecturing about these findings at colleges in Southern California, with students helping to create the You Are Smarter Than You Think program. Eventually she introduced it to the National League of Nursing and nursing programs saw their retention rates go from 20% to 80% when using the You Are Smarter than You Think book and program. In 2011 and 2012, a study was conducted with 100 students at the University of Minnesota, with the following results: 98% stayed in school, students on probation improved enough to get off of probation, and those students that could not get into their major because of low grades were now able to do so. If you or your listeners have ever wondered if you were “stupid” because you were unable to keep up in school or when competing with others in learning situations, this will be an eye-opening interview…one that goes to the heart of what people feel about themselves and one that goes straight to the learning mind. That nagging little doubt, I am not very smart, will disappear. Renee Mollan-Masters’ brand new addition to her extraordinary You Are Smarter than You Think program is the online Journey. The You Are Smarter than You Think system gives the participant two self-evaluations. The first is based on Dr. Gardner’s 7 brain talents. The second evaluation is based on language processing abilities. This is where Ms. Mollan-Masters’ program is different. She shows the participant how to transform any situation into something that works for them. The participant learns how to use his or her brain talents when listening to a lecture, reading a text-book, studying for a test and taking a test. If you’d like to explore yourself before the interview, she invites you to take a free visit inside the Journey at She will also advocate a new approach to teaching in the schools today that will embrace these multiple learning talents–a key to potentially dramatically shifting the current levels of education performance. This program also has implications for the HR departments in business–when employees know how to learn, productivity will improve–as Mollan-Masters can talk to how this enables people to advance in their careers and companies to be more successful.