G’Day World #343 – Robert M Price “Did Jesus Exist?”

Cam & Ray's Cold War Podcast show

Summary: My guest today is <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_M._Price">Robert M Price</a>, a Professor of Theology and Scriptural Studies at the Johnnie Colemon Theological Seminary in Miami Gardens, Florida. He is a fellow of the Jesus Seminar and the author of many books and articles on religion. Some of you may remember Robert from his appearance in the documentary <a href="http://www.thegodmovie.com/">The God Who Wasnt There</a>. <a href="http://www.robertmprice.mindvendor.com/"></a> Robert joins me today to examine the historical case for Jesus. We examine the evidence for the standard arguments Christians have for believing that Jesus existed: Are the New Testament Gospels or Paul's letters really eyewitness accounts of Jesus' life? Are there any non-Christian contemporary accounts of Jesus' life? Is there any evidence for the Resurrection? Is it true that there is more evidence for Jesus than any other person in history? Is it logical that because we have multiple versions of Jesus' life that is must be true (what is known as the "multiple attestation" argument)? If Jesus didn't exist, why does everybody think he did? You can find out more about Robert on his <a href="http://www.robertmprice.mindvendor.com/">site</a> and you can listen to his podcast, <a href="http://www.thebiblegeek.org">The Bible Geek</a>. This show is the long-awaited follow-up to my interview with Australian Christian historian and theologian  <a href="http://http://noillusionspodcast.com/2007/01/24/gday-world-192-john-dickson-author-of-the-christ-files/">John Dickson</a> that I did in January 2007. Please support the show by throwing me some cash to cover the bills or, if you're tight on the cash front, by blogging or Twittering about the show or joining the G'Day World Facebook group. There is a list of things you can do to support the show <a href="http://http://noillusionspodcast.com/ways-that-you-can-support-this-podcast/">here</a>.