Audiophile show

Summary: I feel empty today, and I love it First off, I know you're thinking "that's a bad thing" But it's not, Being empty is great, in this sense. The empty I talk about is when you've given up all the unimportant. When, on your journey, you realize that there's no space for the inessential. Or when life has knocked you around so much that you have put all you had into just staying afloat. The tears have come and gone, the emptiness feels light, the toxins have been relinquished Rumi says those who seek higher ground must first be empty, like a flute, so that they can make the sweet music of God. When we start to get filled with something, the Musician puts us down in favor of an emptier instrument. And only when we become empty again, can we continue to play and to compose our symphony, like the masters did before us. The changes that come with being empty are superb. Check them out: Empty allows you to be more compassionate, because you're not full of fear, not full of your own blinding emotions, so you are alert to how you can help others. Even if the best help you can offer is to lend an ear, lend a fresh perspective. Being empty means you've given up all that baggage. Being empty means there's nothing between you and others. The barriers have been removed so now you can connect easily. Others can get through to you easier, you can get through to them in return. Others will say "wow, I like him/her" and they won't know why Yes, maybe because you complimented them (you were being honest) Yes, maybe because you told them the story of how scared you were at one point (you were shitting your pants) And yes, maybe it's just because you were able to smile in a fully transparent way. Empty to the last drop. What lasting effects will result? Excuses go away, empty individuals are swift. Empty individuals embrace uncertainty. Amor Fati, you love fate, even the stuff that seems undesirable. And fate will soon start loving you back. Opportunities will come, ones that were closed off to someone with all that baggage you had. Opportunities not given to the dramatic kind, to lovers of distractions. Be prepared, there will always be some who won't appreciate you as an empty being. You'll hear the "you've changed" You'll hear them beg you to partake in activities that fill you with meaninglessness. And you'll hear their anger when you explain to them why you can't join. They weren't ready for the truth. So perhaps it's best not to explain, perhaps it's best to let them think you've gone off the deep end. If you figure out the way to keep face and keep empty then please let me know. I struggle with this, I have no answer. Or maybe emptiness helps here too. Maybe it's best to let them think as they may, let them step away for a while, and welcome them back when they are empty, like you are. You're too simplistic, they'll say. You think it's so straightforward, they'll say. A simple-minded fella or gal, that'll be your new tag. Not simple-minded, tell them, just simple. Just a simple man. And say, "thank you"