How Little We Notice

Audiophile show

Summary: When I look in the mirror, the soul’s mirror, more has changed than stayed the same. How did we get here? I’ve noticed that we change to the outside world, yet many times we don’t notice it. Self-awareness lags behind while all else changes. And it’s because we are governed by the theory psychologists discovered long ago, that our most basic inner personality is pretty much fully formed by age six. And it remains very consistent from that point on. It’s worth mentioning again the analogy of the elephant at the circus. When he’s kept backstage he’s restrained by chains that are frail and can easily be broken if the elephant tries. The chains were strong enough to hold him back as a baby, so by the time he becomes fully-grown he’s already given up on trying to break free. Little does he know how powerful he’s become. He’s changed in the world but his inner world has stayed the same. So you see why this might cause a conundrum in our case? We knew we were special at six years old, but the world didn’t see it that way. So we floundered, we spun our wheels looking for the attention and admiration we felt we deserved at that age. And then what happened? Instead of having patience and figuring we’d eventually grow into our inner aspirations, we gave in. We altered our view of ourselves to match what the world saw. So it all becomes one inverse relationship for a while. Our confidence goes down because our outcomes aren’t matching up to our expectations. So we give in a little more. We sink down, and our faith slouches down to the size it’s been relegated to. And what’s happening in the background? We’re growing, literally and figuratively. Our skills, our intuition, our understanding is increasing while our view of self is stuck the same size. We’re crystalizing into a diamond and we don’t even realize it. And few of us are able to climb out of this ditch. We’re so used to sinking down to the previous image of us that we don’t see how much we’ve grown. We’re big and gorgeous and bourgeoning. I invite you to take regular pauses to analyze where you stand. You might be too busy fighting the same problems you did ten years ago, and they don’t even apply anymore. Or on the flipside, you might be ignoring new problems creeping up. You’re fighting the same old demons which are a horse beaten to death by now, while new demons are approaching, FAST. You’ve already noticed some change for the better. Things have been going your way, and you think it’s all luck, that things will eventually go back to their shitty status quo. But no, it’s just the world was forced to change its view of you. It’s rewarding your for your perseverance and you don’t even know it. Time moves, move with it or you become the only one standing still. Clean that mirror, I say.