Audiophile show

Summary: If we continue to operate by sight, we’ll be stuck here a long time. We all know the end goal, and we think we can guess everything that will happen until then. Unfortunately, we’re not prophetic. It probably won’t happen the way we think it’ll happen or picture it happening. Think of a trip you’ve taken. Let’s say this is from New York to California. You drive at night for part of it. The road is dark, but you have headlights. You can only see 20feet in front of you, yet you continue driving. 20feet by 20feet you eventually get to your destination. You don’t see the a mile ahead, but you know US 10 will connect with US 73 somewhere along Texas, and that from there you will jump on US1. And eventually you get there. That’s a lack of sight, but an abundance of vision. And be wary of whose advice you follow. Unless they themselves have gotten to that destination, listen very little. Better to go with no advice, than to listen to those who haven’t gone farther than yourself. They all have great intentions, but remember one small detail: they care about you, which means they are invested in keeping you close, and safe. So they will transfer their fears onto you. If you listen, it’ll be blind leading the blind. Better to have no advice than misguided advice. You’ll find the proper guidance along the way. So how do you get there? With vision. And when your eyes can’t see, where is your compass located? In your gut. Your instincts. They’ll lead you through the shadows. Our sight is limited but our vision is immense, and our vision wins out against our obstacles. Remember, your obstacle isn’t your obstacle, your obstacle is yourself and how you approach the situation. This is the only thing that needs to change before you break through successfully. Just because you can’t see the whole staircase, don’t let that stop you from taking the next step.