Traffic Master

Internet Marketing Magazine show

Summary: Justin Brooke is a Traffic Strategist of the very highest magnitude. Justin is a hard core direct response marketer with his finger very much on the pulse of the ever changing Internet Landscape. Justin’s agency IMScalable has generated billions of ad impressions and sold millions of dollars worth of products for their high profile clients including Snuggie, Trump University, Agora, Russell Brunson, Rich Schefren and many others. Many people associate you as a ‘Facebook Guy’ because you have been so vocal in that space online in the last year or so, but I see you are now very big into Adblade and other Native Advertising.  What can you tell us about advertising on these platforms? Justin: There is a huge world outside of Facebook, but over the last year or two, that’s what everybody wanted to hear about and as an agency that’s what clients wanted to buy so that was what I was vocal about. But I’ve been buying traffic for almost 10 years now and there’s a lot more networks out there that don’t have nearly half the rules that Facebook now does. Adblade is a great platform to check out. Adblade used to be just ‘display advertising’ (banner ads). I call them ‘The Cockroaches of the Internet’, not in a bad way but because they’ve been through it all and they will probably outlive everything else on the internet as one of the oldest form of traffic. Display advertising is the great grandfather of all Internet Advertising. Native Advertising is taking that to another level. With Native Advertising our ads don’t look like ads, they look like everything else on the page - like a piece of content. Often times you may be reading Forbes or The Wallstreet Journal or BuzzFeed or whatever blog you read and you’ll see they have ‘Related Posts’ at the bottom or at the side bar you’ll see things like ‘From Around the Web’ or ‘Recommended Reads’ -  those are native advertisements. Native ad just means it looks native to the platform. It’s native because it looks like it’s supposed to be there and it doesn’t look like an advertisement. That’s why these things are on fire right now as the consumer doesn’t just tune them out. They don’t have banner blindness. Where you might have had .1% of people clicking on a banner ad, with native ads you see 3%, 4% and sometimes as high as 13% click through rate on some of our ads. Greg: So often they're like a headline and an image and that links over to a related article. Is that what you're trying to do? Get them over to your site with some great content, and then re-market them and send them off to your offers? Justin: Yes, and some networks out there only allow you to send the traffic to another content piece, so from one article to another article. That article can be written persuasively with a formula of problem-agitate-solve. So that means you start the article with “Are you having this problem?” and then you agitate it, “Are you having all these other problems forming because of that problem?” and then solution. “Well the solution to that problem I found is my product you should buy it now.” Adblade is different. With Adblade you can send the traffic straight to a Video Sales Letter (VSL) or to an advertorial – an advertorial is a content piece that presells the product. Everybody always ask me which works, “Should we send the content? Should we send to VSL?” The answer is ‘it depends’, you kind of have to test it. I mean, a good advertorial will beat a bad VSL and a good VSL will beat a bad advertorial, so it’s really test and measure. Remarketing is obviously great for plugging the holes in the bucket and ascending prospects through sequences of pages.  Do you have any ‘go to’ remarketing tools and strategies that you really like? Justin: When you are using all these traffic methods, I consider those the fire hose, that’s where you’re going to drive your mass clicks from. Now of those mass clicks, let’s say you drive a hundred thousand clicks to your website,