084: Making Lists in Prepping and Determining Our Survival Needs - The Prepper Podcast

The Prepper Podcast show

Summary: Housekeeping:<br> <br> * There has recently been a board added to <a href="http://topsurvivalforum.com/">Top Survival Forum</a> where you can discuss <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/">Prepper Podcast Episodes</a>.  Check out the <a href="http://topsurvivalforum.com/">Prepping Forum</a>.<br> * If you don’t know where to start in prepping, check out my resource page at <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/gettingstarted">theprepperpodcast.com/gettingstarted</a><br> * Don’t forget to give me a review at <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/itunes">theprepperpodcast.com/itunes</a> and you could win a consulting call with me. (You must email me with subject: Podcast Review so I can contact you… This includes any past or new reviews if you want to be able to win.)<br> <br> * A few weeks ago, the winner was twinkletwinkletoes, and by the time I am recording this, I have not heard back from them, but I have heard from MLWriggle<br> <br> <br> <br> Topic:<br> Making Lists to Direct Yourself in Prepping and Determining Our Needs<br> Before you spend money in prepping, we are doing our due diligence to get everything in order.<br> Why do I need to make a bunch of lists when I could be prepping?<br> It is more important that you think about your needs before you work on prepping.<br> I explained how important lists are.<br> Lists are our roadmap for prepping.<br> This is a large topic and I think it could take several episodes.<br> What Lists Should We Make To Guide Our Preparedness Journey?<br> <br> List of Needs<br> Food Log<br> Water Resource List<br> Disaster List<br> Every Day Carry List<br> Emergency Action Plan<br> Bug Out List<br> Medical First Aid and Minor Surgery<br> <br> What Are Our Needs In Survival<br> What are the basic needs In Wilderness Survival<br> Water<br> Food<br> Fire<br> Shelter<br> Tools/Safety<br> Using the wilderness needs, what are the basic needs in prepping?<br> Water<br> Food<br> Energy<br> Shelter<br> Health/Sanitation<br> Security<br> How to ensure you have your water needs met?<br> Wilderness Water needs<br> Spend more time and energy with filtration than the water.<br> Modern Water Needs<br> Spend time with water storage and sources<br> Then add a filtration so you can harvest safe water<br> Your food needs can be easily met if you think about it<br> In wilderness food needs<br> We focus on hunting, trapping and foraging<br> In Modern Food Needs<br> We focus on growing, storing, and raising food<br> Use your brain, and you will have plenty of warmth and lighting<br> Wilderness Lighting and Energy<br> We spend our time focusing on what we can pack for fire and lighting<br> Lighters, Matches, Rods and other items for fires.<br> We also look at things we can keep and find as dry tender<br> Fuzz sticks, Cedar Bark, charcloth, moss, etc.<br> Headlamps and flashlights to see where we are going<br> Modern Survival Energy Requirements<br> We spend our time considering how to keep energy resilient<br> Heat, Lighting, Cooling, Cooking<br> We consider alternates and backups such as:<br> Cooking Appliances (gas, grills, campstoves, wood stovesP<br> Lighting Equipment (Flashlights, Headlamps, Candles, Fuel Lamps, LED Lights)<br> Heating and Cooling (Air flow, heat and cool the person, reduce energy consumption, alternative heating methods)<br> Alternative Power (Generators, Battery Banks, Gas supplies, stored energies like propane, nat gas and gasoline)<br> Have a wonderful castle, in the woods, desert, or subburbs!<br> Wilderness Shelters<br> We take time learning how to build different shelters<br> (a-frames, debris shelters, snow shelter, desert shelters, and even elevated shelters)<br> For a great shelter, carry some basic supplies<br> (cordage, like paracord; tools for cutting, notching, and carving limbs)<br> If you have a walking stick,