086: Fix Your Wallet, Your Health, and Your Prepping Through Food Log & Copy-Canning - The Prepper Podcast

The Prepper Podcast show

Summary: Housekeeping<br> <br> <br> * If you don’t know where to start in prepping, check out my resource page at <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/gettingstarted">theprepperpodcast.com/gettingstarted</a>, this is where I am getting the outline of my discussions here!<br> <br> <br> <br> * Don’t forget to give me a review at <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/itunes">theprepperpodcast.com/itunes</a> and you could win a consulting call with me.<br> <br> <br> <br> * I am hosted a webinar with Paul Munsen of Sun Oven International over the powers of a sun oven.  If you missed it, lucky for you that Paul has decided to let you watch a replay.  Learn more about how to harness the power of the sun to cook as Paul shares his fundamental techinques in the Sun Oven’s Cooking Essential Seminar.<br> <br> <br> * You will find this seminar valuable whether you have a Sun Oven and want to learn more or you know nothing about solar cooking!<br> * Paul also had a really awesome announcement in the webinar, that will not last much longer.<br> * You don’t get to ask questions during the webinar, since it is a replay, but you can always email your questions.<br> * <a href="http://theprepperpodcast.com/sunovenwebinar">http://theprepperpodcast.com/sunovenwebinar</a><br> <br> <br> <br> <br> Topic:<br> <br> Fix Your Wallet, Your Health, and Your Prepping with a Food Log<br> <br> Gain Understanding and Resiliency through a Food Log<br> Use a Food Log to Fix Your Wallet.<br> A Food Log Can Fix Your Health.<br> A Food Log Will Kick You’re Prepping in Gear.<br> Many Preppers think that a bunch of rice and beans is the solution.<br> <br> * Your family and children should be more important than this.<br> * They are already stressed, why change their diet on top of this?<br> <br> Become a Budget Master with a Food Log<br> <br> Keep up with the foods you eat and pay attention to costs.<br> <br> * By paying attention to costs, you can “shop around.”<br> <br> Food Logging will tell you what you typically use.<br> <br> * Create a Grocery List and Stop Impulse Shopping.<br> * When shopping you can keep up with costs.<br> * When you know what you eat, and have extra, you can wait for good deals.<br> <br> By Logging your Food Use, You can Super Charge Your Health<br> You will Figure out your Main Nutritional Inputs<br> <br> * Am I eating processed foods?<br> * Am I eating pre-canned foods?<br> * Do I shop for Raw Materials to make meals, or for premade meals?<br> <br> When shopping at groceries, stick to the outside isles of the store.<br> <br> * Usually where produce, meats, and dairy is.<br> * Watch out for bread section and bakery area.<br> * Processed Foods are usually in the center isles.<br> * When watching the costs of food, you can find which ones have cheap organic alternatives.<br> <br> You can replace grocery store foods with Local Foods.<br> <br> * You can get your produce and dairy from natural and raw local farmers.<br> * You can grow your own produce each season based on your food log.<br> * Go to the local farms and see how they are planted… it is FUN for children.<br> <br> It is time to Destroy that Food Resiliency Goal<br> Log Your Meals!<br> <br> * Use copy-canning to quick start your food storage<br> <br> * I will discuss more on this in a bit.<br> <br> <br> * If you focus on Raw Produce, you can learn to can and preserve food yourself<br> <br> * This is an extremely valuable skill.<br> <br> <br> <br> Learn an Extremely Easy Method for Logging Food Needs<br> Get a cheap notebook to log your usage<br> <br> * Get a 50 cent notebook and start logging what you consume<br> * Keep this notebook where it is extremely easy to get to<br> <br> * Get a magnetic one to place on your fridge or<br> * Set a basic one on the counter beside the fridge or stove<br> <br> <br>