On Dramaturgy and Emerging Artists l Advice for up and coming playwrights

Not in Print: playwrights off script - on inspiration, process and theatre itself show

Summary: Roslyn Oades reads the transcript of a speech she gave at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2010, where she was invited to contribute to a panel on dramaturgy & emerging artists.--Roslyn Oades is well known for her pioneering work in the field of headphone verbatim and audio-driven performance, taking real life and fusing it into storytelling. As an artist, Roslyn harbors a long-term fascination for vocal patterns and moonlights as a well-known cartoon character voice performer—including major roles on the animated TV series Tracey McBean, Bananas in Pyjamas and Zigby. She has also worked extensively as a TV actor and puppeteer.