U.Gamers Podcast #107: Final Fantasy Record Keeper and Square-Enix Remakes

Game/Life Balance U.S. show

Summary: Jon reviews Square-Enix’s latest ports of Final Fantasy IV and Final Fantasy VI, and Cody brings it all back together by reviewing mobile game Final Fantasy Record Keeper. Plus: Cody’s first impressions of Supergiant Games’ 2014 release, Transistor.<br> <a href="http://gamelifebalanceus.com/wp-content/uploads/podcasts/unqualified-gamers-107-final-fantasy-record-keeper-square-enix-remakes.mp3" target="_blank">Click here to download this Unqualified Gamers Podcast episode</a><br> <a href="https://i0.wp.com/gamelifebalanceus.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Screenshot_2015-04-16-21-40-47.png"></a><br> Show Notes:<br> <br> * Jon discusses the insanely graphic fatalities featured in the upcoming game Mortal Kombat X<br> * Jon gives a quick recap of the inner circles of hell from Dante’s “The Inferno”<br> * Cody explains the significance of the number 107 from his childhood<br> * Jon’s kid is still sick all the time always, because apparently kids can run ridiculous fevers and then be perfectly fine at random<br> * Jon had the most beautiful weekend he could basically ever remember in Minnesota, because Weather<br> * Cody recaps his birthday weekend, which was full of less fanfare than he’d anticipated, and also full of far more church than he’d anticipated<br> * Cody explains how he and his girlfriend kept themselves entertained during the longest Catholic Mass he has ever attended<br> * Cody started playing Transistor, but didn’t get very far because he’s busy selling things<br> * Transistor is the kind of game that makes you think about video games as art, according to Cody<br> * Cody explains the ability system in Transistor, which allows for a ridiculous amount of customization<br> * Jon insists that he’s going to play Transistor this weekend, after months of anticipation<br> * Cody explains the very deep storyline to Captain Toad’s Treasure Tracker<br> * Cody got a <a href="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00RSXRLUE/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&amp;psc=1" target="_blank">third-party Gamecube controller adapter</a> so he can play Super Smash Bros for WiiU with a Gamecube controller, and he says it works great!<br> <br> * Minor complaint about how it would have been nice to have a story mode in the newest Smash Bros game, but it’s still fun<br> <br> <br> * Jon gives an update on his progress in Final Fantasy IV, which he’s playing on Steam, and Final Fantasy VI, which he’s playing on his iPad<br> <br> * Jon explains how he broke Final Fantasy IV using augments, primarily Counter and Kick<br> * Even with broken augments, the final dungeon of Final Fantasy IV is still stupidly hard… but the Bahamut Cave is not<br> <br> <br> * Jon explains the difference between “old school” classic NES and SNES JRPGs, especially the difference in the purpose of battles in the games<br> <br> * It’s hard to “enjoy” playing Final Fantasy IV from the standpoint of modern gaming, but it’s still an amazing trip down memory lane and totally worth it for the feels<br> <br> <br> * Cody and Jon discuss Edge, the ninja who is no longer as horribly awful when he joins your party in the new version of the game<br> <br> * Jon has a freakish memory when it comes to the exact number of hit points he had when he joined your party in the original game<br> <br> <br> * Jon discusses the new “art” “style” of Final Fantasy VI on the iPad, and why he is basically disgusted by the changes they made<br> <br> * “It plays like an SNES-style RPG, but on an iPad.”<br> * Jon doesn’t understand why developers make stupid decisions when it comes to making joysticks appear in games on tablets and other touch-screen devices<br> * The controls in combat are super-intuitive, but on the main map…<br>