#116 – Jester King Sin Frontera Collaboration and The Mountain Goats

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/jester-king-sin-frontera-599.gif"></a> On this episode of Two Dudes In A Basement, we drink <a href="http://jesterkingbrewery.com/introducing-jester-king-crooked-stave-trois-dames-cerveza-sin-frontera" title="Sin Frontera - Jester King" target="_blank">Sin Frontera</a>, a collaboration between <a href="http://jesterkingbrewery.com/" title="Jester King Brewery" target="_blank">Jester King</a>, <a href="http://www.crookedstave.com/" title="Crooked Stave" target="_blank">Crooked Stave</a>, and <a href="http://brasserie3dames.ch/" title="Brasserie Trois Dames" target="_blank">Brasserie Trois Dammes</a> (Switzerland). This beer was very generously carried by hand from out of state by a complete stranger for the purposes of being mis-categorized and/or under-appreciated by us. The stranger, whose name is Jeff and who lives in Chicago, is a friend of a friend named Kevin, who lives in Austin, where Jester King is located. Kevin set the whole thing up and HERE WE ARE. Thanks, dudes! Sin Frontera is interesting because the three brewers involved brewed identical versions at each of their breweries over the course of a couple years. From Jester King's Sin Frontera page: The concept behind Cerveza Sin Frontera was to brew an identical recipe, referment it in the same type of barrels (Spanish sherry) at three different locations on earth, and allow the microorganisms unique to each brewery to impart interesting and differentiating characteristics to the beer. In other words, Cerveza Sin Frontera seeks to explore the impact that mixed culture fermentation has upon an identical recipe for wort (unfermented beer). It highlights how fermentation that exists outside the world of pure culture brewers yeast has the ability to create unique beer with a sense of place. So, if we *really* wanted to do this the way the brewers intended, we would have gathered all three variants of the beer and compared them against each other all while pontificating wildly without any merit whatsoever about what environmental factors contributed to whatever it is we think we're smelling and tasting. Given that the beers were brewed over the course of a year and two of the breweries don't even distribute in Georgia, we decided to plow ahead with an <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_viable_product" target="_blank">MVP</a>. You'll have to listen and gauge for yourself the wildness of our pontification. The song this week comes from <a href="http://www.mountain-goats.com/" title="The Mountain Goats" target="_blank">The Mountain Goats</a>, who released a new album called <a href="https://www.mergerecords.com/beat-the-champ" target="_blank">Beat The Champ</a> on 4/28. TMG are no strangers to the show, this being the third time we've featured them (<a href="http://1beer1song.com/2012/11/07/25-evil-twin-the-cowboy-and-the-mountain-goats/">Ep. 25</a>, <a href="http://1beer1song.com/2014/02/20/68-ipa-showdown-and-the-mountain-goats/" target="_blank">Ep. 68</a>). We listen to them because they are good. LISTEN. <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/mountain-goats-beat-the-champ-500.jpg"></a>