#120 – Three Taverns A Night On Ponce IPA and Florence and the Machine

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/a-night-on-ponce-754.png"></a> We have visited a handful of local breweries. In fact, we've kind of made it a rule, if the brewery is in town, why would we sit in my basement and speculate when we can have a conversation with the horse's ... uh ... mouth, I don't think that's how that saying works. ANYWAY. <a href="http://www.threetavernsbrewery.com/" target="_blank">Three Taverns Brewery</a> is a relatively new brewery in Atlanta, specifically Decatur, Georgia. I would explain what we drank and why it's significant, but we talk about all that on the episode, so shut up and put on your headphones already. This is a special episode because it's always a special episode when Russ picks the song. We listen to a new track from <a href="http://florenceandthemachine.net/" target="_blank">Florence and the Machine</a>. It's important to note, the version we listened to is the version in the video posted below (gotta be looking at the blog to see the video). Apparently, this is a video-specific version because the version on the album is ... much different. I say that to save you from liking this version and then racing to the album version only to be disappointed. <a href="http://1beer1song.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/florence-how-big-1024.jpg"></a>