Chillpak Hollywood Hour #429


Summary: Your friends in podcasting follow up on their first official intercontinental L.A. to Australia episode of YOUR Chillpak Hollywood Hour with a full hour (plus) of conversation. Topics range from the death of Rowdy Roddy Piper to the end of Jon Stewart's run on "The Daily Show", from the apology made by the killer of Cecil the Lion to the return of Art Bell, from recent and classic movies directed by women to what foreign governments think of the U.S., from how Dean Haglund celebrated his birthday to what new cinematic releases Phil Leirness highly recommends. All that, plus Phil peppers Dean with questions about his trip to Vancouver this week to participate in the reboot of "The X-Files". What did Dean think of the script? Which episode of the six being filmed is Dean shooting this week? What are the odds The Lone Gunmen will be back for more in this (brief) season? Is the show being written to "resolve" the story, or is it setting up the potential for continuation (depending on ratings)? Where will Dean be filming? Will he be wearing a wig? Dean's answers to these questions are never less than interesting.