33 Ways To Approach A Potential Client August 9, 2015

The Sales Playbook Podcast show

Summary: In this week’s Quick Tip, I talk about 2 ways sales reps are shooting themselves in the foot with their potential clients and then;I offer 33 ways YOU can approach your potential clients differently and who knows stand out, capture their attention and maybe even get a response from them.Think I’m bluffing?Then I triple dog dare ya to take a few minutes and listen to this week’s tip.Oh, and if you’ve been finding value in these tips, please forward them along to your coworkers, your boss and your network!Sell More Save BIGOn September 23rd we kicking off session one of our online course How To Hunt More Effectively.We’ll be talking about . . .10 places you’re probably haven’t been looking for business inHow to ROCK your snail mailHow to get more referralsHow to generate business from your social networkEmails that ROCKHow to use creativity to get the attention of a busy decision makerHow to use traditional networking to generate more businessAnd yes, we’re going to show you how to marry it all in with the phone . . .Not replace it!I’m going to show you ACTUAL examples of how your peers are bringing home the bacon!Early registration is under way which means if you enroll BEFORE August 14th, you save $100!I’m also thinking that this course could help you finish your year stronger and that’s never a bad thing!Click HERE and check out what I have in store for you!If you like what you see, sign up now and save $100 bucks.