The Roswell Slides Explained

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: <a rel="attachment wp-att-2664" href=""></a>(Note: This interview, recorded on May 10, 2015, was the first and exclusive talk with some of the group who deciphered the placard writing in the so-called “Roswell slides.”)<br> The week of May 4, 2015 was perhaps a watershed time for the UFO research world. Images found on old slide film were claimed to be connected to the Roswell Incident and showed what the promoters and researchers they represented said were the dried body of an alien being. Experts were consulted and concluded that the body shown on the slides was not human.<br> After two years of changing <a href="">stories and claims</a> by the “Roswell Dream Team” researchers, Mexican TV journalist Jaime Maussan announced that the slides would be revealed to the world in a highly-anticipated presentation in Mexico City on May 5th. Tickets were sold for the show and live streaming was offered for a fee of about $20. Our guest “Red Pill Junkie” actually attended and on this show he describes what transpired.<br> Three days after the public reveal of the images, a group of researchers announced that they had solved the mystery and that the slides were pictures of the mummy of a two-year-old child found in the Southwestern US in the early 20th century. The vast majority of those who were interested in the mystery of the “Roswell Slides” now agree that their conclusions are correct.<br> In an exclusive interview, my guests Curt Collins, Paul Kimball, and Lance Moody described the events and cooperation that led to this revelation. The “<a href="">Roswell Slides Research Group</a>” (RSRG) used freely available image-enhancing software to decode a blurred placard that was visible in one of the images. They also produced a video showing how anyone with a computer can reproduce identical results. TV producer and slide promoter Adam Dew <a href="">currently maintains</a> that the image was either tampered with by RSRG, or was not processed properly.<br> While I do not agree with all of my guests’ opinions, it is important to note that a wide variety of viewpoints exist in the RSRG as well, ranging from the strict skepticism of Lance Moody to respected UFO researchers such as Chris Rutkowski, and my friend S Miles Lewis, whom almost no one would categorize as a “UFO skeptics.” The important thing is that they all agreed on this issue.<br> I will mention that the opinions expressed on the show are not necessarily those of myself or the killradio collective.<br>