Adam Gorightly – Friendly Talk and Live Listener Contest

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: <a rel="attachment wp-att-2758" href=""></a>Gorightly was is town for a couple of days and I couldn’t get in the house because it was full of posion gas, so I invited him for a friendly chat on the show. We have known each other for about 20 years and it shows in the almost (or actually) annoyingly informal nature of this show.<br> Adam had the great idea right off to use the inevitable sirens that come by the studio as the basis of a listener contest, which of course turned out to be A HUGE FAILURE BECAUSE THERE WERE NO SIRENS THIS TIME. So it was changed to a song guessing contest. Informal!<br> Since Adam’s latest is entitled <a href="">Historia Discordia</a>, we talked about the connections between Discordianism founder Kerry Thornley and former New Orleans D.A. Jim Garrison. At one point Garrison believed that the Discordian religion was a CIA front. We then read Thornley’s “<a href="">Epistle To The Paranoids</a>,” which makes vicious fun of paranoids. Many years later, Thornley became one himself. Beware.<br> We also spoke on the 1990s ‘zine revolution and how we met through that, and how it allowed us to interview the famous “Unicorn Killer” <a href="">Ira Einhorn</a> in the pages of my old magazine. We went on to talk about the “<a href="">Varo Edition</a>” of the 1955 book The Case For The UFO by Morris K. Jessup. I also found out from Adam that Jack Parsons’ wife Marjorie Cameron lived a few miles from the Integratron and knew famous UFO contactee George Van Tassel.<br> We  played some Frankie Laine songs and announced the winner of the song-naming contest before escaping.<br> Above: Gorightly with Robert Anton Wilson. Photo credit: Greg Bishop<br>