A Tribute To Bruce Duensing – Life Is But A Dream

Radio Misterioso show

Summary: <a rel="attachment wp-att-2793" href="http://radiomisterioso.com/2015/06/16/a-tribute-to-bruce-duensing-life-is-but-a-dream-2/10431694_1411937145773799_1957754393381991452_n/"></a>On Friday May 29th, I received a text message from Bruce Duensing that said “I am in the hospital with crappy WiFi…open heart surgery on Monday.” His daughter posted on his FB page that he passed away on the morning of June 4th, presumably from complications.<br> This was a shock to my guests “Red Pill Junkie” and “Burnt State” (aka Robert) and to me of course. We were just beginning to communicate on a deeper level with Bruce, sending messages and posts to each other about ideas we had either never thought of or hadn’t developed fully. We got together on the night of June 6th to talk about Bruce Duensing’s ideas and what little we know of his personal life from videos he posted online.<br> His basic philosophy is the idea that we are not equipped to deal with the paranormal on its own terms, since our perceptions have so many filters before they reach conscious and cultural awareness. The show centered on many concepts:<br> – You can’t study Ufology with Ufology. UFO study hasn’t kept up with the latest science.<br><br> – Energy and information are the same.<br><br> – How does the observer effect change what we are thinking about with UFO witnesses?<br><br> – Strong emotion inhibits randomness and entropy.<br><br> – UFO waves seemingly follow worldwide emotional events.<br><br> – Abnormal mental states and shamanism as windows to understanding of the unknown.<br><br> – Set and setting as factors in paranormal encounters.<br> The program opens with a pulled quote from the <a href="http://radiomisterioso.com/audio/Bruce_Duensing_2_1_15.mp3">RM interview</a> of February 1st, and ends with a segment of Bruce from one of his online videos that were located by Robert.<br> <a rel="attachment wp-att-2742" href="http://radiomisterioso.com/2015/06/16/a-tribute-to-bruce-duensing-life-is-but-a-dream/bruce-duensing_3/"></a><br> <a rel="attachment wp-att-2727" href="http://radiomisterioso.com/2015/06/16/a-tribute-to-bruce-duensing-life-is-but-a-dream/bruce-duensing_2/"></a>Illustrations of Bruce Duensing’s ideas courtesy of the talented RPJ. The Cafe Tacuba song at the end of the program is <a href="http://lyricstranslate.com/en/olita-del-altamar-wave-high-sea.html">Olita Del Atlamar</a> (Little Wave Of The High Seas.)<br>