Accusations of racism in Australian football

Inside Story show

Summary: Aussie rules star Adam Goodes twice voted the sport's player of the year, has been jeered from coast-to-coast. The controversy began in 2013 when a 13-year-old girl called him an ape. Sydney Swans Chairman Andrew Pridham described the attacks as 'disgraceful, frightening, outdated and flawed'. All players suffer abuse from rival fans, but this episode has triggered a debate that has gone beyond sport. Two leading newspapers 'The Age' and 'The Sydney Morning Herald' wrapped their Saturday editions with a poster asking readers to join the campaign #istandwithadam. On Inside Story we ask - is Australia being forced to confront a tide of prejudice? Presenter: Adrian Finighan Guests: Matt de Groot - Nova, Sports Reporter. Kirstie Parker - National Congress of Australia's First Peoples. Charles King - ABC Sports Commentator. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website