Episode-1605- How Would you Design a Society From Scratch

The Survival Podcast show

Summary: TweetWhat Could We Do If Humanity Were Truly Free This show is designed only to make you think and think deeply about many issues.  In my view our society doesn’t do enough thinking, many people have claim to think and say stuff like I think _____ should be or not be done.  This is not thinking though, this is stating an opinion, often one that the person hasn’t really thought very much about. Thinking about an issue or a problem and how to solve it requires a total consideration of all sides, views and a review of all facts and theories about the concept.  We don’t do this very much today for superficial things like, “should the family get a new TV or not” so we damn sure don’t do it with things like, “how do we feed the planet”. No instead, we have outsourced all of our big problems to government, then divided into two primary teams with a Jackass and a Fat Elephant as mascots, we root for our teams every 2-4 years and trust that jackass and a fatass can then do our thinking for us. Hey, pause a moment and THINK about that!  America today has outsourced our decision making to two groups that use a jackass and a fat ass as their representation.  You know how they say dogs and owners start to look the same?  But I digress. Today will be the first in a series of shows were we will look at this question and you can bet they will all be part of “The Insurgency” series. Join Me Today to Discuss… Let’s begin with the hot dog test, it is deeper then you would expect Why do we have a state at all Protection Stability Collective Good – Public Works I know you think there is more, but really it could just be protection and stability Serious questions Does money really make sense? Should people have to work? If people didn’t have to work, what would they do? How much work is really useful and important? How many jobs are current protected from technology? What do people really want in their lives? Is there really anything approaching a resource shortage in the world? How would you Feed our planet Incentivize the development of technology Provide medical care Allow freedom of expression, religion, etc. Provide educational services Design communities, villages and towns Protect individual rights Enforce rules without a “government” Or perhaps have government without a state What is our alternative to answering these and other important questions Resources for today’s show… Join the Members Brigade The Year 1605 Join Our Forum Walking To Freedom TSP Gear PermaEthos.com AgriTrue.com GenForward JM Bullion – (sponsor of the day) Western Botanicals – (sponsor of the day) Bob Wells Plant of the Week – ISSAI COLD HARDY KIWI  This plant is adaptable from zone 5 to zone 9.  This kiwi is different then the one you know in the store.  It has no fuzz and is about half the size, this means you can eat it without pealing it. Many kiwis have male and female varieties but this one is self fertile though some growers report larger yields with a male variety planted near by. It is a climber and will need support, some mature vines can bare up to 100 pounds of fruit.  It fills a great vertical niche in permaculture design.  While it is widely adaptable it certainly prefers soils more to the acidic side typical of forest edges. Bob Wells Nursery specializes in edible landscape plants and trees including: Fruit Trees, Berry Plants, Vine Fruit, Nut Trees, as well as the hard to find Specialty Trees. Find this plant and more at BobWellsNursery.com Remember to comment, chime in and tell us your thoughts, this podcast is one man’s opinion, not a lecture or sermon. Also please enter our listener appreciation contest and help spread the word about our show. Also remember you can call in your questions and comments to 866-65-THINK (866-658-4465) and you might hear yourself on the air. Also remember we have an expert council you can address your ca[...]