The Non Prophets 14.14

The Non Prophets show

Summary: Denis' Snape Intro; Week 3 of marriage equality, no sign of societal collapse; Texas (Did you have to ask?) Judge will perform same-sex marriage IF they acknowledge his oblection; Mailbag: Informed consent and the "Argument from Ickyness"; Mike Huckabee: America is "now worse than Sodom and Gomorrah"; Judge orders Dinesh D'Souza to undergo psychological counseling; Mailbag: Listener calls us out on giving the names of mass murderers; Russell reads a story for which we have a hard time finding an actual religious angle; Mailbag: Rebecca gives a recommens a Terry Pratchett book; Disney agrees to accomodate Sikh mail carrier's wearing of turban; Mailbag: "What about hermaphrodites?"; SIAS: Matt. 25:40 "...whatsoever you do to the least of these..." refers not to the poor and destitute, but to the poor, persecuted Christians; Mailbag: Neil on Dawkins' tweet about American slavery; Denis' Segment: "I Have a Question! Omnipresence: What does it mean for Christians?"; A few points from Jeff; Russell will be in St. Louis for Gateway to Reason Conference (with Matt and Tracie) from July 31 to Aug 2; Next episode, Aug 5th; Copyright 2015, Atheist Community of Austin