LDQ #58 From Beyond Neutral

Lazy Daisy Quilts (and Reads) show

Summary: I'm making quilts from this book, for my nieces... Pacific Crest, and Triton Cove   I've read a lot of books this month, I chatted briefly about some of them. I forgot to mention when I talked about The Haunting of Hill House, by Shirley Jackson, that I listened to the audiobook and love the narrator, Jim Dale. He is one of my favourites and I could listen to him read anything. He does an amazing read of the Harry Potter books, for which he has won  awards! Here are a few books that you may like..When I can't decide which new to me author to try, I can always go back to ones like Koontz and Brown, and although it likely won't be a mind blowing book, it's a satisfactory palate cleanser. Bird Box by Josh Malerman if you're looking for something strange and a little spooky. Explore your fears. book quote- “It's better to face madness with a plan than to sit still and let it take you in pieces.” The Alibi by Sandra Brown if you're in the mood for a murder mystery, peppered with a bit of romance. The Good Guy by Dean Koontz if you're ready for some suspense and hero stuff. This guy accidentally intervenes when a bar patron attempts to deliver information to a paid killer about a target. Now, he's gotta try to save this unsuspecting victim right? Thanks for listening! Go do.. something