Technorama Ep435 : 10th Anniversary

Technorama show

Summary: Coming up in this episode...( * Memories * More memories * Lembas bread Listen below with the audio player or Click Here ( for complete show notes and video from the show. Feedback * Vmail - Trampas - Apple ][ Watch ( * Vmail from Trucker Overdrive - old games * Vmail - wibbly wobbly show * Vmail - Shadowbird - least favorite superhero movie * Email from ADdude Hey Guys, First off, congrats on ten years. It seemed like just yesterday that I first listened to the show. Of course, I've kinda developed some memory problems so I've got a Quantum Leap-Sam Beckett-Swiss Cheese Memory thing going on. Long story short you can't trust my judgement on memories. Second off, In the last episode you asked which people thought was the worst super hero movie and it's Howard the Duck. I've seen a lot of Super hero movies with a lot of stuff: Shrek-Hulks, odd swamp things, Bat Nipples, Ice puns, Most of the punisher movies, Shaq as Steel, the music from the Daredevil movie. All of that was fairly bad but only the Howard the Duck movie had me just question movies, comic books, and my own judgement on life. It left me messed up. I mean it is pretty bad. Like yeah don't watch. Now on to happier topics. Some the things I most remember of your show over the last ten years. I do remember some of the shows interview you've had. I especially remember the Michio Kaku since I use finished reading his book when the interview came on. I always made sure to listen to the birthday shout outs around my birthday. I remember when I submitted my review for the Sarah Jane Adventures and you played it. Still remember Chuck repeating the line of mine that the young Slitheen "were like my nephews, both adorable and terrifying". Honestly I remember being on the chat room during the shows. I always enjoyed those. Stuff often keeps from making it on Sunday night now but I do remember having fun when I did manage to make it.  Even if I can't make it to the chat I make sure to listen to the podcast on my iPod. Thanks for the ten years of geeky joy. You've managed to bring a little more joy in my life and I'm sure of many of your other listeners. You guys should be proud of that fact. Sincerely, Alexis Duran ADdude P.S. I think I sent you a picture of Spider-Man/Storm Trooper. Did that happen too?   * Email: MadMarv - Evil April Fool’s Joke This was the most evil April Fools joke of the year IMO.  It puts a BSOD on your camera, but only on April 1st. ( * Jorge (various back topics) First thanks for pointing me to Daredevil… As for the questsions: network devices: - SuperMicro 1U sever running my gateway (OpenBSD) and 2 zones for small tools like adblock, goto service (all in the house developed) - SuperMicro 4U SAN/NAS (also has a few zones because it has more resources stuff like plex,...) - RaspberryPi GPS/PPS backed NTP server - AirPort Extreme AP - AirPort Express AP - MacBook Pro - Desktop - Canon Wireless Printer - iPhone - Nexus 6 - Chromecast - Sony TV - Sony AV Receiver - HTPC - PS3 - DSi Those are just the physical things with an IP There are also 2 TP-link switched on there and a few vm's (8 or so) First pirated stuff was probably some floppies with some DOS games. (Oh yeah PC's with Turbo button... did anyone turn those off? - AT form factor was scary though AC current to the mobo! yikes) Not sure what the other questions were anymore   On This Day In History for April 29, 2015 This is the 119th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 246 days remaining in 2015.