3: Surviving The Trenches in Life with Army Ranger Zach Carbo

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: “Do, or do not.  There is no try.  If you really want to do something in your life, you will find a way, no excuses.” - Zach Carbo The Bucket List Life Podcast #3 - Zach Carbo You know those kinds of people that like to get outside and take on challenges that will induce a heart attack for the average person?  The kind of person that is always pushing themselves and constantly redefining their personal limits? The type of person that is uncomfortable and restless in their comfort zone? With an attitude of “can do”, this is the kind of person that inspires us by showing, not telling, what happens when you are truly living your life guided by your passion and driven to fulfill your dreams.  This is the kind of person the lives The Bucket List Life. This is the third episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast and the guests on these podcasts are often ordinary everyday people you would meet at the grocery store that have lived extraordinary lives.  They all have the most amazing stories to tell that almost everyone can relate to on some level.  Stories that have a deep and meaningful impact and lesson to share.  Today Kenyon is excited to talk with a relatively new friend but instantaneous brother in flight and forever in life, Zach Carbo. Living in the Pacific Northwest, Zach is an avid outdoor adventurist, extreme athlete and active Sergeant in the US Military.  Among his many favorite past times, Zach likes to skydive, BASE jump, speedfly, ski, mountaineer, trail run, SUP and spend time with his wife, son and two dogs.  He has successfully balanced a life full of adventure, physical challenges, service for his country and home life as a dedicated husband and father.  Being passionate about his lifestyle and a real people person, Zach enjoys blogging about his adventures and has a real gift in taking us along for the ride. Highlights from their conversation: 3:45    Kenyon talks about how they originally met on Facebook and then met in person when Zach invited Kenyon into his home while he was on The Bucket List Life Tour back in May, 2014. 6:30    Kenyon talks about his second thoughts after having deviated from his “just say yes” rule, while visiting Zach, and the end result.  “Hey, you wanna catch a fish?” Their adventure at Pike Place Market. 11:15  Zach talks about his current position in the military as Sergeant First Class. 14:00  Zach takes us back to his childhood, growing up as a Latchkey kid and what he would do to treat his foot after stepping on a rusty nail? 18:00  Kenyon reflects on what the kids of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s learned from the lack of safety and paranoid parental protection in their environment. 19:00  What was the deciding factor for Zach to go into the military.  Zach shares some fascinating stories and experiences of his deployments over seas. 26:15  Kenyon wants to know about the things Zach couldn’t wait to do when his deployment was up.  Zach describes how he manifested the most amazing adventures traveling around the world to Europe, New Zealand, Australia, BASE jumping and  sightseeing. 30:45   Zach describes what motivates him to get out, travel and do all these adventures as his “calling”.  When you have a deep desire and dream to make these things happen, you will find a way.  To quote the great master Yoda, “Do, or do not.  There is no try.” 33:00  Kenyon confirms that working in a high risk career and lifestyle makes completing a bucket list even more important, because you never know if we’ll be here tomorrow. 34:45  Zach talks about one of his greatest inspirations who had a real zest for life and truly lived every day like it was his last. 37:15  Kenyon points out once again that although we all believe we will end up in the rocking chair, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow.  Start checking off your list today. Say “Yes” to learning.  Say “Yes” to letting others help you.  By letting others assist you in what ever way they can or offer,