5: Laughing Through Life with Comedian Ron Ferguson

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: “If you can get out there and do even just a little of what you love everyday, your life will be exponentially enriched!” - Ron Ferguson The Bucket List Life Podcast #5 - Ron Ferguson (https://thebucketlistlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/the-bucket-list-life-podcast-episode-5-ron-ferguson.png)When we laugh we are letting go of stress and pain, building our immune system and resolving conflict in our lives.  Laughter is powerful and contagious and when we share it we create intimacy, bonds and friendships.  The ability to make others laugh is every bit a gift as it is a skill and talent.  Today on The Bucket List Life we are so excited to share some big laughs and funny stories with an up and coming Comedy Club Headliner and Kenyon’s comedic mentor and skydiving friend, Ron Ferguson. Ron has been making people laugh his entire life but stepped onto the comedy stage at the age of 26 in 2001, at the famous Denver Comedy Works.   With over 1,000 skydives, Ron decided to combine his two passions and record his hilarious act while under a canopy at 12,000 feet.  The result was his rip roaring funny Youtube video series, Canopy Comedy.  Coming from a humble background and working his way to the top, Ron really knows the power of comedy and how to make a crowd laugh.  Above all Ron understands the importance of pursuing your dreams and supporting those around you in pursuit of theirs. When you can laugh out loud every day and do even just a little of the things you love, you are living The Bucket List Life. Highlights from their podcast conversation: 4:30     Ron reminisces about way back when he started making others laugh and get paid for it, when he was in grade 2!!  Ron admits to being very shy and introverted as a teenager.  Somewhat of a loner who pretty much kept to himself.  Comedy for him was a coping mechanism that made him more social, got him dates and kept him out of trouble with the teachers. 13:00   Ron talks about how he got fired from Denver Comedy Works before he was ever hired there to do Stand Up Comedy! Dealing with the pressure of having to make people laugh every 15 seconds is a real art form.  Comedy is a skill that is developed like everything else.  When you have an idea or a funny thought, write it down immediately, because you’ll never remember it later. 30:15   To be successful at anything in life or if you want to try something new, just get out there and surround yourself with that environment of what it is you want.  Talk to others that inspire you and do what you want to do.  Be around what you want.  Ron shares an item off his bucket list.  Racing Motorcycles!! 39:00   Ron affirms that self doubt and second guessing ourselves is completely normal.  Even the professionals have an off day and feel insecure about their performance.  We are all human and always our worst critic.  In life, as on the stage, we are constantly being heckled and the best way to respond to hecklers is to acknowledge their comment but not to accept their energy and just throw it back at them. 47:00   Nobody succeeds overnight in life.  Perseverance is key and it’s important to keep pushing towards your goals, even when it seems like you might not be going anywhere. 50:00   Ron really wants us to understand the importance of supporting others around us that are trying to succeed as well.  Your support encourages others to believe in themselves and at times that could make all the difference in the world.  Support and celebrate each other! There you have it!  The fifth episode of The Bucket List Life Podcast was such a fun and informative laugh fest full of great stories and advice from one of the funniest guys you will ever meet!  The overall take away being that life is meant to be lived laughing, smiling, surrounded by supportive friends and family and doing the things you love.  This is The Bucket List Life!  And remember to, ABF!!  Always Be Funny! Resources and References From This Episode: