16: Boot Camp for Your Soul with Fitness Trainer Gaetan Tremblay Sr.

The Bucket List Life with Kenyon Salo show

Summary: “There is no reason to go half speed when you have decided to do something. If you’ve decided to do something, you have to do it 100%. If you can’t do it a 100%, your hearts not into it so why do it at all.” - Gaetan Tremblay Sr. The Bucket List Life Podcast #16 - Fitness Trainer Gaetan Tremblay Sr. One of the most empowering things you can do in your life is to help and support others through a difficult time or challenge. There is nothing more effective in accomplishing your own goals than to help others accomplish there’s. The second pillar of the The Bucket List Life is Helping Others and our next guest on podcast episode #16 truly embodies this understanding. Gaetan Tremblay Sr. is a generous and authentic individual that is committed to helping others step outside of their own comfort zone. As a former member of the Canadian Military for 10 years, Gaetan is physical, courageous and skilled. These days he is all about fitness training and he loves to inspire and motivate people in his successful fitness style boot camps. As an Ambassador of The Bucket List Life in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Gaetan loves adventure, travelling and doing stuff that other people are afraid to do to show them that it can be done. Do you want to be an Ambassador? Check out the Ambassador section at www.thebucketlistlife.com (https://thebucketlistlife.com) under Team to find out how you can join us and help inspire the world. Gaetan has been Facebook friends with Kenyon since May 2012, and he has a lot of daily wisdom and encouragement to share with us all on how he lives The Bucket List Lifestyle. Highlights of their conversation: 5:00 Gaetan and Kenyon talk about the analogy of taking the plunge in life and what it says about a person’s commitment. “There is no reason to go half speed when you have decided to do something. If you’ve decided to do something, you have to do it 100%. If you can’t do it a 100%, your hearts not into it so why do it at all.” 7:00 Gaetan tells us about his upbringing in a military family, their travels together and his love of road tripping across Canada. 11:15 Gaetan talks about some of his amazing experiences in the Gulf War, during his 10 years in the Canadian Military as a Navy Diver and Communication Specialist. 20:30 Gaetan talks about his short career playing hockey in Kingston, Ontario and how hockey and any team sport training transfers to everything in life, working together with a common goal. The way we do one thing in life is the way we do all things in life. “Every amazing leader has to have the ability to follow.” 26:15 An important point that Gaetan learned in a Junior Leadership Course while in the military was to take care of your people and to trust your people in delegation. 29:45 Gaetan tells us what it is about The Bucket List Life that he was drawn to and why he decided to be come an Ambassador for the movement. “It’s amazing how your life can change by just changing one aspect of it.” 32:30 Kenyon and Gaetan talk about the amazing power of social media and how in the Team Bucket List Life Private Membership Facebook group posts are incredibly uplifting, inspirational and motivational everyday. 38:15 Gaetan talks about how he stays so positive in life everyday and the power of self talk, starting your day off with the right intentions, mindset and goals. 45:00 Even though his bucket list may change daily, Gaetan says that once he’s decided that he wants to do something, he doesn’t wait, he takes action and starts to make it happen immediately. 48:00 Kenyon acknowledges that Gaetan exudes what The Bucket List Life is all about in his willingness to drop everything, travel to be there for a friend and help others accomplish their goals and check off items on their bucket list. “You can’t accomplish everything in life without the help of others.” 51:00 Gaetan shares with us an item on his bucket list: a 50 mile race in on the Great Wall of China next year.