The Non Prophets 14.03

The Non Prophets show

Summary: ATTENTION: STARTING 2/18 WE WILL BEGIN AT 7:30 PM!; G.O.T. Accomodationist; Happy Birthday Bryan Steeksma!; Catholic Distress; Mailbag: Raising children with a religious partner; TAE: The Lost Episodes; "David Mavis" sentencing in Montreal; Mailbag: Why it takes us so goddamn long to get the show uploaded; ISIS recruits disillusioned; Mailbag: Middle-eastern atheist outreach; Saudi Arabian women's rights conference (all male attendees); Mailbag: Jamaica- national anthem and rampant homophobia; Mailbag: Complaining about SIAS; SIAS: 'Brick Testament' reviews on Amazon; Mailbag: Should punishment be a 'thing'?; Iranian Blogger to be executed for blasphemy; Governor of Delaware recognizes Darwin Day; Copyright 2015, Atheist Community of Austin