Runescape Weekly 2/4/2015

Runescape Weekly show

Summary: You're listening to runescape weekly for 2/4/2015. I'm your host Magebit with over 13 years of Runescape experience. On today's show:    Co Hosts: RT PhondentsGuest Host: dxthelbRunelabs voting begins Feb 5th,353,81,65565952,&showuser=Mod%A0KelpieF2P For Old School does Gameblast Mean To You? Notes for 2/2,16,242,65564963Forum WatchUnderstanding Authenticator,16,396,65566088Official Boss Pets Thresholds (Update),374,807,65550979RedditReal life to GP Price Conversion Confession of the Day:“I e-date constantly but IRL I am married with 3 kids. I dont even do it for free stuff.”~Found by Mage“Runescape becomes a joke to me when I'm drunk, I end up giving a lot of my gp away.”~Found by Ash“18-Mar-2013 Games of Chance Minor (mute)Anyone playing white/white x2 now?”~dxthelb's personal confession---------------------------------------------------------Please submit your ideas!Engage Usfacebook.runeweek.comtwitter.runeweek.comgplus.runeweek.comRate and Review us in iTunes - itpc:// Us Out!