One Marketing Tip That Keeps on Giving!

The  Edge Code: Creating a Profitable Business & Inspired Life! show

Summary: <br> Today I wanted to share ONE marketing tip that I believe if you do it consistently on a daily basis will produce high returns for you in your business AND life. And I don't simply mean returns in revenue - although that's definitely a result. But also returns in an increased network of leads, customers, business associates, and advocates for your business.<br> <br> Key points covered:<br> <br> The results this marketing tip has given me<br> What I mean by touching one person a day<br> Different methods of direct outreach<br> Why I took on this methodology<br> What you can go to go deeper with current relationships<br> Benefits of these connections<br> Breaking down the stats<br> <br> <br> <br> Thanks for listening! For more tips and resources, please visit <a href=""></a>.<br> <br> <br> <br> Michele Welch<br> <br> Embrace Your Genius™!<br> <br> <br>