The Astrology of 2015

The Astrology Podcast show

Summary: <a href=""></a>In this episode astrologer Austin Coppock joins me to to talk about some of the upcoming astrological trends and themes that will occur in 2015.<br> Austin is the author of the <a title="2015 Astrological Almanac" href="" target="_blank">2015 Astrological Almanac</a>, and so he had a number of great insights to share about what the major planetary alignments are this year, as well as what people should expect from them.<br> Below you will find the show notes, followed by links to download or stream the episode:<br> Topics Covered in the Episode<br> <br> * Lots of fire sign placements this year.<br> <br> * Saturn in Sag, Jupiter in Leo, Uranus in Aries, Venus retro in Leo with Mars and others around the same time in the summer.<br> * In Feb/March Venus and Mars in Aries.<br> <br> <br> * Saturn in Sagittarius (pending squares to Neptune in Pisces)<br> <br> * Murder of cartoonist in France today and the resulting discussions about religion.<br> <br> * Criticism of belief, religion, zealotry.<br> <br> <br> * Similar thing happened with Saturn in Scorpio and early news stories ended up being prescient. Privacy, secrecy, spying, hacking, etc.<br> * Saturn switches houses now for everyone, with whole sign houses.<br> <br> <br> * Saturn moves back into Scorpio June 15 – September 18.<br> <br> * The Saturn return for Saturn in Scorpio people isn’t quite over yet.<br> <br> <br> * Venus retrograde in Leo<br> <br> * Stations retro at 0 Virgo.<br> * July 25 – August 2.<br> * Last one was summer of 2007.<br> * Summer of 1999 prior to that.<br> <br> <br> * Early August has a lot going on<br> <br> * Venus retros back into Leo right about the time Mars ingresses in, Jupiter leaves, and Saturn stations direct in Scorpio.<br> <br> <br> * The final Uranus-Pluto square in March (end of an era)<br> <br> * 2015 is the middle of the decade.<br> * Began the decade with this alignment.<br> <br> <br> * The mutable mess we’re transitioning into (Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and both nodes mutable. Mars RX in mutable Sag in Spring of 2016)<br> * Jupiter-Saturn Square- ¾ of the way through the 20 year cycle.<br> <br> * Getting ready for the next conjunction in Aquarius in 2020. New triplicity.<br> <br> <br> * Eclipses this year:<br> <br> * March solar at 29 Pisces and April lunar at 14 Libra.<br> * September solar at 20 Virgo and then lunar at 4 Aries.<br> <br> <br> <br> Download or Stream the Podcast<br> You can either download this episode of the podcast as an MP3 or you can play it directly from the website by using the buttons below:<br>