"How to Avoid Being the Grinch that Hates Christmas-LIVE Pre Christmas Special"

"The Dedan Tolbert Show"  show

Summary:   Whether it’s going through drama with a loved one or being depressed because you don’t have a loved one…There are MANY reasons stemming from dating and relationships why many women have grown to hate the Christmas holiday season. Please join me for our annual Pre-Christmas Special on “How to Avoid Being the Grinch that Hates Christmas”, where we’ll discuss exactly how to allow God to remove any built up hurt, pain and resentment and go into 2015 with a clean heart and a renewed spirit. To hear both our brand new “What’s Going on in the World”  segment and “Ask Dedan Advice Hour”, where we’ll discuss the many reasons men cheat, call 646 20 0366 or listen LIVE online worldwide at www.dedantolbertshow.com... “REAL Radio that Matters” #10years