"The REAL Meaning of Kwanzaa & What it Means to the Black Community"

"The Dedan Tolbert Show"  show

Summary:   Did you miss last year's historic special on “The Real Meaning of Kwanzaa & What it Means to the Black Community”, where we discussed the origin/ meaning of the 7 principles, the lack of black unity in this country, the disappearance of black leaders when it comes to taking a long hard look in the mirror, how far we’ve come as a people and how far we clearly still have to go? If you aren’t 100% sure what the REAL meaning of Kwanzaa is and you’d like to learn today, tune into “The BEST of The Dedan Tolbert Show” TONIGHT at 9:00pm EST for a special rebroadcast by calling 646 200 0366 or listen online worldwide at www.dedantolbertshow.com.  “REAL Radio that Matters”. #10years