#100 – Creature Comforts Southerly Love/Koko Buni and One Direction

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: The second of two episodes with Blake from Creature Comforts Brewing Company, located in downtown Utopia, USA. Blake was gracious enough to bring two gems from the Creature Comforts cabinet, Southerly Love, and Koko Buni, both just really really great beers. We hate you, Blake. Oh, I almost forgot to mention, this is episode 100 (ONE HUNDRED). What better way to celebrate such a milestone than with a song by ... One Direction? Okay, we may or may not have picked the song to distract from the fact that we're really not that interested in being self-reflexive or self-congratulatory. Okay, maybe Russ is, if only because it might mean someone will tell him he has served his time and he is free to go home. Also, this episode would have been FINE to wrap up at somewhere around the 30-minute mark. But don't worry, we managed to blather North of 50 minutes. Granted, we're all fantastically articulate renaissance men, so our aimless pontification is your Radiolab, but just a heads up in case all you care about is the beer and the song.