#101 – Sam Adams New World Tripel and Run the Jewels

1 Beer 1 Song show

Summary: As part of our year-end wrap up, we like to take a look back at what people really enjoyed through out the preceding annum, and then fall completely short on any comparable appreciation and/or analysis. At no point in this podcast's history has this process been more thoroughly executed than on this, episode 101 of 1 Beer 1 Song. Many of our contemporaries had 2014's release from Run The Jewels in the top 5 on their year-end best-of lists, a couple with it in the #1 position. So, we thought we's see what all the hubbub is about. LOL If you like awkward pauses, clueless grasps at relevance, and meandering naively into the volatile waters of race relations in America in 2014, then this episode is for you. Oh, and we also talked about some Sam Adams beer from Costco.