Pony Poses: How Important Are They? - 1/26/2015

My Little Pony Talk show

Summary: The pose of a pony says alot about that pony, well at least it used to do that.  In the G1 and G 3 lines we saw a wide variety of poses for ponys, all helping to define that ponys personality.  Even the G2 line had quite a few.  However the Core 7 from G3, G3.5 and G4 lines have all had a similar note.  The same pose being used over and over again.  The G4 line has especially shown this to be true using the same pose for multiple ponys the only thing different is their name and coloring.  This brings about a very important question.  What happens when the toys have no diversity of poses? Also join us for our wacky conversations. Please note that we maybe late in starting our topic due to issues beyond our control.  If co-hosts are not yet at their computers or we get distracted please bare with us.  We are not always perfect.  PONY HUGS. Also if we continue to be off topic we will change the topic of the show to reflect that.  Also we don't take random callers due to the issues we have had with random people in the chat rooms.  We keep this a family friendly show and want to keep it that way.