Was it Medicine or Scalar Energy Pathogen Cleansing That Healed Ebola Victims?

Pandora's Box with Kaleah show

Summary: Can People Be Rid of Their Virus’, Bacteria, Fungi and Protozoans Via a Remote Process Using a Photograph?  Tom Paladino Picks Up Where Nikola Tesla and Galen Hieronymus Left Off Their Scalar Energy Research, Creating an Instrument that Can Disassemble 40,000+ Harmful Pathogens in the Body Paladino’s mission is no less than to heal the world—to eliminate pathogens in everyone’s bodies globally. And he believes it can be done! He has passionately pursued his quest to harness Scalar Energy since he was a child first reading about Tesla and today, through his diligent study, development, research trial and error, he has the revolutionary breakthrough that does, in fact, control and direct the remarkable quantum energetic force of Scalar Energy. Join us in this episode of Pandora's Box where I will be interviewing Tom Paladino about his Amazing Life's Mission.