#217 – Pray4RedIssue

Rant Cast show

Summary: Back after a short break, Rant Cast is (sort of) united in grief for the demise of Red Issue, Manchester United’s longest running and most controversial fanzine. Sharp, incisive and never short of deliciously cutting, Red Issue has been a staple of the match-day experience for more than 25 years. Love them or loathe them, please join Rant Cast in a minute’s silence and #prayforredissue. Also on this week’s pod presenters Ed & Paul cover all the news that’s not fit to print, including United’s defeat at home to Southampton and the victory over QPR in London. After a game and half of under-performance in the now highly dubious 3-5-2 system is it time for Louis van Gaal to rethink his tactical outlook? Finally, there’s a look ahead to Friday’s game against Cambridge United in the FA Cup, where – unfortunately – Ed gets the opposition manager’s name wrong. Now that’s Alanysis for you! Red Issue branded selfie-sticks available at all good retailers.