The Non Prophets 13.23

The Non Prophets show

Summary: Denis' naughty/nice opening; Russell bitches about how good Naomi was last episode; Russell's speaing engagement in Missouri ("Embrace Your Inner Skeptic"); Coming Soon! Texas Secular Convention and Darwin Day; Christmasy stuff; Kirk Cameron defends the True Meaning of Christmas (BUY STUFF!); Atheists celebrating Christmas; Nativity scene in Texas Capitol; Atheist billboards; Email: Atheist in Germany asks how to give us money; Hostage situation in Sydney - religion, mental illness, or both?; ISIS School shooting - 132 students and 9 staff dead; Update: Sikh attempting to join RCMP; Is nudity "un-Christian?"; Shit Internet Apologists Say! Franklin Graham: "The War on Christmas is a War on Christ!"; Poll from last episode: What sort of silly. totally wrong thing did you once believe? Cory from Illinois answers; Good News from KY: Lost Ark Park will get no tax incentives!; Email: Thoughts on the long-term fate of religion; Copyright 2014 Atheist Community of Austin