The Non Prophets 14.02

The Non Prophets show

Summary: Denis' improvised intro; Boy admits he didn't really go to heaven; Email: Death and grief as a believer and then an atheist; Pope Francis' on the Charlie Hebdo Massacre; Mailbag: Sikh RCMP and what Sikhs are; News Flash! Turns out Pope Francis realy is full of shit; Mailbag: The "TAG" argument (you may want to pour a drink); SIAS: Frank Turek - "The existence of Evil disproves atheism!"; Jeff puts in a good word for Richard Dawkins; Mailbag: The "Tower of Babel" vs. how languages really develop; Churches renting venues in public schools; Mailbag: State funding for childcare to get kids out of homeschooling; Copyright 2015, Atheist Community of Austin