Want to Run for Congress? Listen to What Happened to This American: LWL 12/18/14

Coffee Party USA Radio show

Summary: Today we are sending you a show done by our Coffee Talk Radio partner, Tim Danahey. His daily shows this week are something of "an American self examination".  This episode, "Want to Run for Congress? Listen to What Happened to This American":  If you don’t believe money has taken over government, then listen to this story about how a citizen ran for Congress in Colorado’s 4th District. Vic Meyers is a long-time party loyalist who offered to be the candidate since no one wanted to oppose the established political party in this uncompetitive redistricted Congressional seat. Vic Meyers encountered party leaders who wouldn’t support him unless he had $200,000 seed money. A partisan newspaper ordered its reporter to cover a chihuahua race rather than interview him. When he organized fund-raisers, party leaders came in from other districts, discouraged people from contributing to Vic’s campaign, and poached contributions for other candidates in other districts. The stories continue in this damning indictment of money and politics in post-Citizens United America. You can find more episodes of the Tim Danahey Show here. LUNCH with LOUDEN Every Thursday at Noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern, Jeanene Louden and co-host Debilyn Molineaux talk about current events and look for opportunities to bridge political divides, expose corruption and share information not covered in mainstream media. Please follow the show on Facebook.